The Society of Phi Zeta
Certificate and Lapel Pin Orders
When ordering certificates please allow enough time for shipping by ordering early. FedEx will not deliver to the West Indies so regular mail is necessary for those orders.
It is important that the check accompany an order that arrives via the postal service, or be in the mail at the same time if you are sending an order electronically. Certificates will be sent once the check has been received.
Certificates are $10 each. Extras to allow for printing errors are $1.50 each.
Centennial Lapel Pins are $2 each.
Make checks payable to Society of Phi Zeta or click this link PayPal Donate to pay by credit or debit card.
Submit order form by mail or email (josepem@auburn.edu)
Address to send order/payment by mail:
Society of Phi Zeta
c/o Missy Josephson
109 Greene Hall
Auburn University, AL 36849